
Supporting You Every Step Of Your Journey

At Simple Steps Nutrition we are passionate about supporting you through good nutrition no matter what your stage – planning to conceive, throughout pregnancy, recovery post-partum, breastfeeding, nourishing your bub, toddler and growing child and feeding your family.

Healthy eating habits and making healthy food choices are skills that are learnt and developed through positive exposures, non-pressured environments, encouragement and role-modelling. Research shows that the eating habits of parents-to-be when trying to conceive as well as what a mum eats during pregnancy can determine a baby’s future health outcomes, taste and food preferences.

We will support you to make positive changes to your own nutrition while supporting the growth and development of your little bub. We will provide practical strategies to optimise health and nutrition for you and your family – whether it’s setting the stage before and during pregnancy in preparation for your new arrival, or once your baby arrives. We will encourage you to raise competent and healthy eaters who will try new foods and enjoy mealtimes with the rest of the family.